发布时间:2018-04-26 浏览次数:1469
新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales),澳大利亚一所世界顶尖级研究学府,澳大利亚名校联盟“八大名校”之一,简称UNSW,创立于1949年,其主校区位于新南威尔士州首府悉尼。新南威尔士大学是三个国际著名的研究型大学联盟组织环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)、全球科技大学联盟(GlobalTech)、Universitas 21的成员大学之一。
在最新的“QS世界大学排名(2017-2018)”中,新南威尔士大学位居世界第45位。在众多学科中,新南威尔士大学以商科和工科著称。据最新2017 QS WORLD RANKINGS BY SUBJECT UNSW的矿物工程与采矿工程位居全球第五,会计和金融位居全世界第11位,继续保持全澳第一的好成绩,法律学位居世界第14位,土木和结构工程位居世界第16位。世界第一商学院沃顿商学院院长Geoffrey Garrett即为UNSW商学院前院长。
Core courses 核心课程(4门)
ACTL5101 Probability and Statistics for Actuaries
ACTL5102 Financial Mathematics
ACTL5108 Finance and Financial Reporting for Actuaries
ECON5103 Business EconomicsElective courses
ACTL5002 Superannuation and Retirement Benefits
ACTL5004 Project Report - Actuarial Studies
ACTL5100 Actuarial Theory and Practice A
ACTL5103 Stochastic Modelling for Actuaries
ACTL5104 Actuarial Statistics
ACTL5105 Life Insurance and Superannuation
ACTL5106 Insurance Risk Models
ACTL5109 Financial Economics for Insurance and Superannuation
ACTL5110 Actuarial Data and Analysis
ACTL5200 Actuarial Theory and Practice B
ACTL5301 Models for Risk Management
ACTL5302 Risk and Capital Management
ACTL5303 Asset-Liability Management
ACTL5306 Retirement Saving and Spending Over the Life Cycle
ACTL5401 Retirement Planning
RISK5001 Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management
RISK5002 Risk Tools
RISK5003 Risk Decisions
RISK5009 Risk Management Strategies